From Neoclassical synthesis to Heterodox synthesis in the digital economy





Analytical review, under a critical-hermeneutical approach, on the rise and decline of the neoclassical synthesis and the emergence of the heterodox synthesis, driven by the Austrian Economics revival. A diagnosis of the exhaustion of orthodox economic thought is offered, given its formalist and instrumental excess, far removed from reality, in addition to accelerating its extinction due to the postulates of the current neo — and post-Keynesian direction since the Great Recession of 2008. As a corrective alternative, which returns Economics to the Social Sciences side and to the mainline based on real human action, there is a sample of the heterodox synthesis and its model of wellbeing economics, adapted to the digital economy.


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2023-02-20 — Updated on 2023-03-21





How to Cite

From Neoclassical synthesis to Heterodox synthesis in the digital economy. (2023). REVISTA PROCESOS DE MERCADO, 19(2). (Original work published 2023)